"In the shadowed realms, those who wield Bloodlines carve destiny's path. They stand as the Blades of Creation, possessing the Authority to impose their desires upon the twisted tapestry of existence."
A Bloodline is the manifestation of one's Authority intertwines with the Veil Strands coursing through their very blood. To wield a Bloodline is to be a Blade, the anointed of the Veil, and carriers of a Progenitor's mark. Blades are the epitome of warriors or sorcerers in Shattered Sun and possess true power. To grow as a Blade is akin to ascending towards the divine; for some believe the Gods, too, are the paramount Blades. Entities that traversed to the end of their Authoritiy's path, transcending into the realm of the divine.
Veilblood - All Rounder, jack of all trades
Mistblood - Use Illusions and distortions, can distort perception, as well as reality. Twists things upon itself using the Mists.
Curseblood - Uses their blood to cause afflictions, toxins, and curses.
Starblood - Those with cosmic blood in them, they can use constellation magic, gravity magic, and space magic. Can use Gravity magic to launch themselves and such.
Voidblood - This bloodline stems from Ruin and his powers over decay and ruin. You have power over the void between spaces, you can void a concept or even space.
Infernalblood - Those with the ability to set their blood alight, causing it to burn or combust.
Stormblood - Those born with the blood of storms within them. They can manipulate air, weather, and even lightning.
Terrablood - Those who can call the world their home. They can manipulate the very earth, minerals, metals, and even nature depending on their affinity. Most Terrabloods are not called this, however. Most have a certain mineral or metal they specialize in and are named after their specialty. Each mineral has a certain additional power that it grants one. Such as the rare Obsidianbloods, who can control the ancient stone of death of darkness, allowing them to have additional control over aspects of death.
Deepblood - The blood of the deep flows within your veins. Your powers are tied to the deep creatures and water. You can summon tentacles, seawater, or ink as well.
Beastblood - Those with the blood of beasts and monsters flowing strongly in their veins, they can transform either parts of themselves and even their entire body. They are also more compatible with grafting.
Protoblood - Similar to prototype. You have control over your body and mutations, and can merge yourself with other lifeforms easily. You can cause instant mutations to your body, such as transforming your arm into a blade to attack, or sprouting temporary wings.
Shadeblood - Your blood is the stuff of shadows. You are balancing on the line between life and death. Your power manifests as shadows and darkness, and you have a strong bond with death. Some Shadebloods can even manipulate death, and undeath.
Ghostblood - Your bloodline is tied to the spirits of the world. Those with this bloodline are skilled in psionics. They exhibit abilities such as telepathy or telekinesis. They can also conjure items, weapons, armor, and even limbs made from spirits. One may even be able to manifest spirits.
Nullblood - Not only born without the power of the veil, but as a void that consumes and eradicates veil powers. Those with this bloodline cannot use the normal abilities granted by the veil, but cannot be affected by these abilities as easily either. Some Nullbloods can even harness the emptiness in their blood into anti-abilities, but most make up with magical items
Hollowblood - You are tied directly to the Hollow King. You have the ability of the Veil, and the Hollowness of the Abyss. Your power is all-consuming, a vast emptiness that will also pull you down into the Abyss, eventually. The King of Stars & Shadows dreams of you, and dreams are power. Reality bends for you. Dreamsculpting, Abyssal Magic (IE Entropy & Radiation), or reality Warping.
Ionicblood - Reality itself flows within your veins, allowing you to use aspects of reality to fuel your powers. You have an innate control over energies. You may harness the power of energy, absorbing and redirecting energy, or you may change the mass of yourself or an object. You alter the physics of this world to suit your needs.
Materiablood - Your Bloodline is tied to creation and destruction. You have power over matter, and can create or destroy at will. While you do not control the fundamentals of our world like an Aetherblood you still have a power over parts of the universe. You are more similar to those of the Ionic-Bloodline as they are a mirror of you. You are able to create items from nothing, or destroy parts of creation. Usually a Bearer will focus on one of these aspects over the other. A creation Materia user will usually have a specialty as well.
Aetherblood - You have the building block of the universe flowing in your veins. You can manipulate the fundamentals of our reality. An Aetherblood will fall into one of three main categories. Occulum, or the power over time; Kosmum, or power over space; Finally Vivium, or the Power over Life and its energies.
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