In the world of Varian, the once mighty sun has been shattered into countless fragments, casting the realm into perpetual twilight. These shards, known as Luminar Shards, hover ominously in the sky, emitting a dim, eerie light that barely pierces through the darkness below. The cataclysmic event that shattered the sun also led to the death of most of the gods, causing the essence of godly blood, Ichor, to rain down upon the lands. Leaving many divine realms empty and their power scattered across Varian.
The land is now steeped in Ichor and a dark ambiance, with twisted landscapes, corrupted creatures, and shadowy realms dominating the landscape. Once-thriving civilizations lie in ruin, and survivors struggle to eke out a grim existence amidst the remnants of the shattered sun. Surviving Nations hold little land and latch onto any power they can find in a desperate struggle to survive.
Ichor Springs, decayed remnants of a God's divine spark, have become a coveted yet perilous resource. These springs contain the essence of godly blood and power, which imparts unique abilities or curses to those who harness it. Factions and cults vie for control over these Springs, seeking to unlock the mysteries hidden within or wield the divine power for their own ambitions.
The dead gods, reduced to mere echoes of their former selves, occasionally whisper cryptic guidance, dark prophecies, or maddening secrets to those who dare to listen. Some of the Dead Gods even roam the landscape as creatures known as Titans. Their corpses acting on instinct alone. Adventurers and scholars alike embark on quests to unravel the truth behind the gods' demise and discern the implications it holds for Varian, as well as resurrect their own gods.
The shattered sun has given rise to peculiar magical phenomena. Necromantic and Eldritch energies seep through the cracks in reality, reanimating the dead and transforming the living into grotesque forms. The few gods to have survived are in a constant battle against these eldritch invaders that wish to take advantage of the weakened world, and can offer up little help to their followers. Arcane anomalies manifest in areas where the Luminar Shards concentrate, warping reality and causing unpredictable effects.
In this desolate world, adventurers must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront corrupted creatures, and contend with the ambitions of rival factions. The allure of Ichor blurs the line between good and evil as individuals grapple with the temptation of divine power and face the consequences of their actions in a world that has almost abandoned hope.