Magic comes in many forms in Varian, but there are three major distinctions of magic, as well as two subtypes, that an individual may utilize. These each have their distinct effects and Roleplay implications in world.
We will actually be starting with one of the major subtypes. Bloodlines are a custom system and ruling I use that each Player Character will have. This is the source of your abilities and uniqueness within the world as a Bearer.
A bloodline can manifest in anyone at birth thanks to the leaking of Veil Energies into this world. It will change them and grant them abilities. A bloodline is the way ones power manifests, so it influences how your abilities look and work, and allows me to make custom abilities for everyone. Here are some examples. If none of the listed Bloodlines fits an idea you want, talk with me and we’ll create one.
Example of Bloodline Abilities:
Starblood (Gravitational Magic):
Event Horizon: You create a small, 10ft. radius, black hole within 60ft of you. Every creature within this radius must make a Strength Saving Throw or be pulled 10ft towards the center and take 1d6 force damage whenever they start a turn in this area. Or take half damage on a successful save. This area counts as difficult terrain.
Gravitational Sunder: You launch yourself into the air 30ft in any direction. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks or count against your own movement. Summoning a blackhole into your hands, when you land you slam this power into the ground. Every creature within 20ft of your landing spot must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8 force damage and be knocked prone, or half as much on a successful save.
Alter Gravity: You use your bonus action to touch a willing creature (including yourself), altering their gravity with the cosmic power in your veins. You may choose to either increase their gravity or decrease it.
Increase: The target's gravity doubles, lowering their movement speed by half, but increasing their damage, adding an extra die to each hit of force damage. (1d8 slashing becomes 1d8 slashing + 1d8 force.)
Decrease: The target's gravity becomes half. their speed doubles, but their attacks deal 2 less damage. This change lasts for 1 minute.
Spark Magic
The first major distinction is Spark, or Conduit, Magic. This is the most widespread magic and involves building up ones Spark, or soul, to withstand the energies needed to cast and shape magic. You pull in Veil, the mana-equivalent of this setting, into your body and shape it into spells. The majority of magic users use Spark magic.
The second major distinction is Abyssal, or True, Magic. This is the oldest magic and involves enforcing ones will onto reality and manipulating the Veil within t he world itself. One forgos a Spark and shapes their soul into an Abyss to manipulate their surroundings. It is considered to close to the domain of the gods with too much risk and is seen as taboo in most of the world.
Abyssal Magic
Spirit Magic is the last Major distinction and involves communing with spirits or making pacts with them. A spirit is not a soul, it is a manifestation of a part of nature such as fire, water, or even time. They come in distinctions of Minor, Lesser, Greater, Ancient, and Primal. In spirit magic you are not manipulating Veil, you simply shape your intent and a spirit will flow Veil into your spell. For weak spells, you can simply call on a nearby minor spirit to fuel the spell, but for stronger spells, you will need to contract with a stronger spirit.
Divine magic is a subcategory that can fall under Spark or Abyssal Magic. Either a true god allows you to house part of their divine spark to cast magic, or a fell god grants access to their own Abyss to cast magic.
Spirit Magic
Divine Magic
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