
Alsaalahein (Al-sal-a-hane)
Depends on base lineage.
Depends on base lineage.
The Aasimar are the product of a mortal that has been tainted by the blood of a celestial. Divine blood was never intended for mortality, therefore this divine blood mutates and changes inside a mortal body. These mutations are mere imitations of the divine and manifest outwardly by altering the body. This includes extra eyes, wings attached to differing body parts, halos, or blank faces. These alterations are almost always biological in nature, and therefore made of biological material such as blood, flesh, and bone; instead of the holy power otherwise expected from the Divine.
Many of the major religions, especially followers of the true gods, look upon Aasimar with disgust as they are an insult to the divine. These churches revile Aasimar, though they would never dare to harm an Aasimar physically. For it is a great sin to admit the divine can be harmed, even as a pale imitation. However, the followers of the Dead Gods may worship an Aasimar, even going so far as to attempt to create them through the use of their gods own Ichor.
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