Enteri Husk

Enteri Husk
The Enteri were the first race to exist in Varian, predating even the Primordial dragons. They are said to have a massive empire spanning the Spirit Sea before there was a distinction between the spirit and flesh. They were masters of Abyssal magic but delved too deep and momentarily awoke The Hollow King. His gaze sundered the Enteri from reality, leaving only husks where they once were.
These husks are shapeshifters and makeup mimics within Varian. All that is left of the Enteri is a primal hunger and the instinct to gain memories. The husks take on the memories of what they consume and can then take the shape of their prey. Once they have consumed enough prey they form sentience and can take humanoid form. Unlike Changelings, they can only replicate a memory and are limited to what they have consumed in form. A mature Enteri is sometimes barraged by memories of their previous life and can use these memories to gain new skills, but they will never be what they once were.
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