
Malbéin (Mal-bane)
Orcs were born from the bones of the God Quorean the Immortal, God of Honor, Pride, Tactics, and Growth. When Quorean fell he wished to still protect his friends and fulfill his duty, it was this wish that gave birth to the orc race. They surged from the God's body, born with bones piercing their skin, giving them natural armor and weapons so that they could fight from birth. The Orcs worshipped Quorean as their father and creator, and this worship eventually resurrected the dead god. Giving him the title of the Immortal. Yet in his rebirth Quorean was fractured, splitting into two gods. The original Quorean, and the Broken God Morik. This also split the orcs in two. One faction worshipped Quorean and Honor, and the other worshipped Morik and Necromancy. These factions now fight each other, trying to help their Patron god to overtake the other and gain even more power.
Orcs are born with protruding bones in the form of either armor plating or bone knuckles and claws.
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